Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Man... so cool!

Anyone who knows me know that I love Homestar Runner. So when I found out they were making a video game for Wii about Homestar Runner, I had to run and change my pants. Despite its many delays, I knew Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People (SBCG4AP) was coming, and I couldn't wait. I set the alarm for 10am MDT on Monday so I could be one of the first to download it.

Promtly at 10, I was at the Wii Shop Channel, waiting with my remaining 1000 Wii Points to snatch up the latest creation from the Brothers Chaps. Sure enough, there it was. And with my awesome DSL connection, it was downloaded in no time.

And I must say that the game does not disappoint. The game is loaded with fan service, including crappy music played on old Casio keyboards and ridiculous dialogue from Strong Bad, Coach Z, and even Homsar. But even people not really familiar with the popular webtoon should enjoy this title.

The appropriately titled story, Homestar Ruiner, follows Strong Bad in a quest to beat the snot out of Homestar, figuratively or emotionally if necessary. You simply point where you want Strong Bad to go and there he goes. To pick up an item, simply point at it and press A. The game has virtually no learning curve and thus, lets you get right into the story.

As with many adventure games, there comes a time when you get stuck and end up wandering all around Free Country USA trying to find a way to continue. Fortunately, these times are few and far between. And besides, when you get lost, you can always spend time playing Snake Boxer 5 or Teen Girl Squad. You can also take a snapshot at anytime and then send it to someone else's Wii via Wii Connect24 using Strong Bad's trusty Lappy 486. The game is full of side quests and ridiculous achievements.

Not only does it play great, it looks great. The colors and styles familiar to fans are there in all their glory, plus you can wander past many familiar locales, such as the stick or Strong Badia.

But none of this would be much good if the game wasn't as funny as the website. But do not fear, the same ridiculous shenanigans, puns, and comic insults are all there in full force.

While the game is definitely not one you'll spend more than a few hours on the first time through, it's worth every Wii point. There are enough witty Strong Bad-isms, whiny Strong Sad new age-isms, and King of Town gluttonisms to keep avid fans busy for a long time.

In short, this is a must have for fans of the cartoons. Most anyone else (under 30) will probably enjoy it as well. Now get out there and spend those Wii points!... Dangit!

This game has earned a blatantly biased


Kayla said...

Fun blog Benjamines! Ryan will be a regular visitor. BTW, you will be proud to know that my Ryan has a brand spanking new black Mario shirt for school. :)

Unknown said...

Bennamen, i just wuv you!

benjamines said...

@kayla e: Sounds good! I could use some fans. And it's good to know you're dressing him like a champion!

@audrey: You're hilarious, Odd Squad!

Rachel said...

You're awesome Ben! I'm so glad you liked that game so much :) I luff you! :)

PsymonSaysBITEME said...

Your mom is a fan....and who is Homsar?