Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Nintendo Stock at Highest Point Since February

Good news, Nintendo fans! Nintendo stock is on the rise!

Nintendo's stock value sits at approximately 13,040 yen, up from about 12,000 in late June. There is still some ground to make up if Nintendo wants to hit the 16,000 mark it was at in January, but this is still great news.

Keep in mind that stock values always go up and down for any publicly-traded company. Also, you can't compare stock values directly with other companies, since the total value of the company depends on how many shares exist.

Either way, it's great to see Nintendo on the rise. I suspect we will largely have only good news through the end of the year, what with Smash Bros., Bayonetta, and other great games on the way very soon.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Yay for Nintendo! :)