1. And it came to pass in fifth month of the reign of Threedius, a joyous decree was read: “Behold! The loyal followers of King Threedius shall be given a most precious gift! On the morn of the first day of the ninth month, my ambassadors shall receive a bounty of joy! Yea, even a most bountiful joyousness!”
2. “For behold, ten of the most beloved of the records of my ancestors shall be given unto ye on this day to ensure your faith! And behold, ye shall receive ten more in a short time.”
3. And it came to pass that King Threedius, wanting to further strengthen the faith of his followers, gave the records unto his ambassadors one day before the original prophecy.
4. And the people rejoiced. The faithful among them celebrated with sweet drink and salted foodstuffs. But behold, those who trusted not in King Threedius were not given records, and were sorrowful. Yea, sorrowful even until they desired death rather than see the records of their brethren and know they could not obtain.
5. But behold, King Threedius was a generous king. And it came to pass that he promised the unfaithful that they, too, would be offered the chance to obtain these precious records. Behold, the time would come when all would be permitted to partake in the joy of these records. However, the unclean among them would be required to pay with gold and with silver and with all manner of precious things.
6. And it came to pass that the ambassadors of King Threedius were joyful in their gifts, and they celebrated in both day and in night. Yea, their joy was exceedingly full.